
Guidance: Statutory participation in trialling of national curriculum assessments

Standards Testing Agency

January 6
10:32 2025

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Trials are a vital part of the development process for national curriculum tests. It is important that the questions are trialled to ensure tests are valid, fair and reliable. The trials enable us to analyse how questions perform and provide important information for the standards maintenance process by which test thresholds are calculated. They are not used to report to individuals or to schools on performance.

It is mandatory for selected schools to participate in the trials, whether they are for statutory or optional national curriculum assessments.

School participation ensures that trial data is representative of the national cohort. The samples of schools are stratified by prior attainment and region, to ensure the sample reflects the population of assessing schools in these factors.

As selection for participation is random, it is possible that a school may be selected for a trial in consecutive years, although the targeted nature of the sample should mean that, over time, schools will be drawn less frequently. If selected, a school will trial one subject only in any one year.

The volume of trials required and the subjects trialled can vary each year.

Approximate timings of trials for each subject and key stage are set out below:

Subject Key stage Trial period
English reading KS1 and KS2 April to June
English grammar, punctuation and spelling KS1 and KS2 April to June
Mathematics KS1 and KS2 April to June
Phonics screening check KS1 April to June
Reception baseline assessment EYFS September to October

There are 4 appointed agencies that can currently run trials:

  • AlphaPlus
  • Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
  • National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
  • Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)

These agencies will contact schools directly to inform them if they have been selected for statutory participation in trialling and to provide further information.

Key stage 1 (KS1) and key stage 2 (KS2) trials

Each KS1 and KS2 trial takes place in a 2-week period each year. We will not trial KS2 tests during test week.

Although the length of the trial is dependent on the subject, most trials should last no longer than 2 hours 30 minutes, allowing for breaks between papers.

The appointed agencies contact selected schools early in the spring term. Agency representatives will:

  • administer the KS2 trials
  • support school staff to administer KS1 trials

Schools will need to provide:

  • a suitable environment for the trial to take place
  • staff to support the trial
  • pupil data to support the analysis

Trialling agencies will provide further instructions and information to participating schools.

Reception baseline assessment (RBA)

The appointed agency contacts selected schools for the RBA trial early in the summer term.

Thistrial involves a short digital assessment, to be completed by a sample of pupils selected from each school. Practitioners lead the pupils through the assessment using practical resources and a touchscreen device.

The trialling agency will provide further instructions and information to participating schools.

Updates to this page

Published 16 July 2015
Last updated 6 January 2025 +show all updates
  1. Updated page URL, added clarification around length of time for KS1 and KS2 trials, removed specific sample size for RBA digital trials

  2. First published.

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