Uk Atomic Energy Authority
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Details of procurement opportunities at the UK Atomic Energy Authority are provided in the attached procurement pipeline plan.
UKAEA aims to be open and transparent by providing medium-term plans and longer-term visibility of forthcoming procurement opportunities, enabling the supply chain to make informed decisions to tender for work. The procurement pipeline will be reviewed and updated quarterly, and procurement contact details are provided for each activity, with an aim of promoting meaningful engagement with interested parties who wish to engage in tender activity. All tender activity will be managed in accordance with UKAEA procurement policies and procedures.
UKAEA is committed to making every effort to ensure the information provided is aligned to programme and project plans. All dates, estimated contract values and procurement routes are provided as a guide and are subject to change, including the removal and amendment of opportunities.
Suppliers bidding for UKAEA contracts should be aware that if they are successful, the resulting contract will be published via an award notice in Contracts Finder.
To comply with government regulations, UKAEA adopts an approach based on the value of the contract, and whether a public sector contract already exists which can be used.
Using a three-tiered system to advertise:
Existing Public Sector Framework awarded by Crown Commercial Services or other procurement hubs for utilisation by the wider public sector;
New procurement opportunities with a cumulative value in excess of 25,000 these are advertised on the Contracts Finder Website;
New higher-value procurement opportunities with a cumulative total value in excess of current EU thresholds these are advertised through Find a Tender.
Tendering opportunities are advertised through EU Supply, Contracts Finder and Find a Tender. You can set up alerts based on CPV (Common Procurement Vocabulary) codes so you will be notified when we publish a tender on those CPV codes. All interest, requests to participate and enquiries should be submitted to the named Procurement Representative identified in the advertisement.