Uk Atomic Energy Authority

A touching moment warmed the hearts of many when the inventor of the Joint European Torus (JET) was greeted with a resounding ovation at Wednesdays JET Celebration Day event at Culham Campus.
The event, dedicated to the success of JET a world famous fusion energy experimental facility and the people behind it, was attended by dignitaries, scientists, engineers, and other individuals who had worked at JET through the ages.
Paul-Henri Rebut, the inventor and designer of the iconic JET, was recognised for his exceptional contributions to the field of fusion energy.
The JET Celebration Day event was hailed as a befitting end to the scientific operations of this pioneering machine.
We celebrated the achievements, and even more importantly, celebrated the people, said Professor Sir Ian Chapman, CEO of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.
JET has garnered international acclaim for its promise in addressing the worlds energy and climate challenges and much of todays fusions physics and engineering has been advanced by JET.
The event saw speeches delivered by the UKs Minister for Nuclear and Renewables, Andrew Bowie, MP and the European Commissions Head of Unit, Euratom, Dr Elena Righi. Speeches were also delivered by the JET alumni, including Barry Green, Michel Huguet, Fernanda Rimini, Damian King, Peter Lomas and Ian Chapman.
Attendees were treated to a trip down memory lane with a photography exhibition, mini-theatre show, tours to the torus hall, remote handling control room and JETs main control room.
Thank you to a lot of you to show what we can do with such a machine like JET, said Mr Rebut during his impromptu speech.
JET concluded its scientific operations at the end of December 2023 after 40 years. Until then, it was the largest operational and only tokamak in the world to use deuterium and tritium fuel.
JET has been instrumental in advancing fusion energy for over four decades, symbolising international scientific collaboration, engineering excellence, and the commitment to harness the power of fusion energy the same reactions that fuel the Sun and stars.
The achievements at JET, from the major scientific milestones to the setting of energy records, underscores the facilitys enduring legacy in the evolution of fusion technology.
Its contributions to fusion science and engineering have played a crucial role in accelerating the development of fusion energy, which promises to be a safe, low carbon and sustainable part of the wor