UK Hydrographic Office

On 31 January next year, Ian Moncrieff will retire from UKHO, after 8 years as National Hydrographer, Chief Operating Officer and finally Chief Executive.
Ian said I am proud of what we have achieved, and enjoyed building and working with a great team. In January I turn 60 and this seemed like a good time to hand over the baton as UKHO is delivering consistent results, is stable, and ready for the next stage of its transformation.
I have been thinking about this for some time, so am sad to go, but I wish to move from full- time appointment and seize some opportunities while young enough to do so. These include my recent appointment by the Secretary of State for Transport as a Non-Executive Director and Marine Member of the Port of London Authority, as well as continuing with some voluntary causes that I already support as a trustee
I have been part of the UKHO for over 8 years; starting as a Rear Admiral in the role of National Hydrographer in 2006 and subsequently from 2010 as Chief Operating Officer and then Chief Executive. It has been a real privilege to lead such a wonderful team, and in so doing contribute to the continued success of this historic Office. I shall always be proud to have led UKHO through interesting times in its digital journey and to uphold this 200 year old, world renowned brand. However, while I have been fortunate to lead, I am in no doubt that none of what we achieve here would be possible without the dedication and support of all colleagues who work in this remarkable office. I, along with all mariners whom we serve, shall forever be grateful for their skills and the sheer professionalism in which they apply them.
Adam Singer Chair of UKHO said: When I joined UKHO as Chair Ian intimated that he might want to go when he reached 60, and the board reluctantly understand his reasons. That said the more I have got to know Ian the more I have enjoyed working with him, he brings a rare warmth and acuity, which I will miss. His future colleagues in whatever he wants to do will be lucky to have him. The Board wishes him well.
John Humphrey, our Chief Commercial Officer and Deputy Chief Executive will take on the role of Acting Chief Executive from 1 February for 12 months before the permanent role is openly competed. John is a permanent 2* Senior Civil Servant and has been with UKHO/AHL since 2007. He will provide continued leadership with the very able top team we now have in place. Future interim arrangements for Johns current post as Chief Commercial Officer will be announced in due course.