Uk Space Agency
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ARTES Call for Innovative Hybrid Network Solutions
Funding type: Research,innovation,anddevelopment.
Eligibility: UK organisations and companies (UK Space Agency and ESA approval required).
Funding available: Nomadic Multi-orbit User Terminal Demonstrator (UK funding limit up to 500,000), Papa Stour Service Demonstrator (UK funding limit up to 1 million), Rathlin Island Service Demonstrator (UK funding limit up to 2 million).
Total funding available: 3.5 million.
Deadline: Expressions of interest (EOI) to be submitted by 12pm (GMT) on Friday 31 January 2025.
This is a targeted call for expressions of interest in delivering future satellite services under the Competitiveness and Growth call of the European Space Agency (ESA) ARTES Programme in support of the Department of Science, Innovation & Technology (DSIT) Very Hard to Reach Programme. The call will make up to 3.5 million of UK funding available. The call is focused on three different projects: the Nomadic Multi-orbit User Terminal Demonstrator, the Papa Stour Service Demonstrator and the Rathlin Island Service Demonstrator.
Visit the ARTES Call for Innovative Hybrid Network Solutions page to find out more and apply.
Exploration Science working group support
Funding type: Travel and time support for academics
Who can apply: Academics selected for groups and/or science teams, campaign science groups and other definition work relating to named UK Space Agency Exploration Science missions.
Award range: Up to 40,000
Closing date: Open until further notice.
See theExploration Science working group support guidance pageto find out how to apply
ARTES: Invitations To Tender (ESA Workplan Activities)
Funding type: Research, innovation and development
Who can apply: UK organisations and companies (UK Space Agency and ESA approval required)
Funding: Dependent on Invitation To Tender (ITT) activity
Deadline: Open until further notice
These are ESA-initiated programmes offering up to 100% funding for developing early technologies and innovations. Invitations To Tender (ITTs) are listed on ESA-STAR. You will need to register to access the activities.
For supported ITTs, as part of the application process, companies will need to apply to the UK Space Agency for approval before they submit their final application. This is a three-stage application process, in which:
- applicants should register their interest via the online UK registration for ARTES Invitations To Tender form
- if approved, applicants will then be asked to submit their Full Proposal to the UK Space Agency for review
- once the UK Authorisation of Funding letter has been received, applicants may then apply to ESA
Please note, the UK Space Agency reserves the right to apply additional requirements to any supported ITT. We will notify you once you have registered your interest, if applicable.
To enquire about a specific activity not included on the UK Space Agency-supported ITTs document on the call web page, please email
Navigation Innovation Support Programme (NavISP)
Funding type: Research, innovation and development
Who can apply: UK organisations working in positioning, navigation and timing undertaking technology research and development focused on commercial innovation.
Funding: Varies. 100% funding for developing early technologies and innovations; typically between 200,000 and 800,000 for space-enabled positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) technology solutions and innovations.
Deadline: Open until further notice
Since 2017, the UK has invested 50 million into NavISP to support the UK space PNT sector to innovate the next generation of space-enabled and space-supported navigation products, services and applications.
The UK investment in the programme is available to support UK organisations to undertake technology research and development focused on commercial innovation.
See the NavISP announcement of opportunity to find out how to apply. Find out more about the NavISP programme.
Student support: ESA microgravity programmes
Funding type: Research, innovation and development
Who can apply: UK-based teams successfully selected by ESA for certain student support programmes.
Funding: Up to 5,000
Deadline: Open until further notice
This announcement of opportunity offers up to 5,000 (if available) to support students participating in ESA microgravity programmes.
See the announcement of opportunity to find out how to apply.
Responsive Mode Call - Exploration Community Development
Funding type: Development and promotion of UK space exploration community
Who can apply: UK individuals and organisations
Funding: Support will be granted to a maximum of 50,000.
Deadline: Open until further notice.
The UK Space Agency will, subject to budget being available in any given financial year, make available funds to support activities such as:
community building activities
establishing networking opportunities
showcases and/or organisation attendance at appropriate conferences
Applicants should detail how the proposed activity benefits the UK space exploration community.
See the call and find out how to apply.
General Support Technology Programme (GSTP)
Funding type: Research, innovation, and development
Who can apply: UK organisations and companies (UK Space Agency and ESA approval required)
Deadline: Open until further notice.
The UK Space Agency is looking to provide support to companies and academic institutions across the UK in developing innovative technologies to grow UK capability. We are keen to engage with start-ups and SMEs (from both within and outside the space sector), as well as established companies and organisations. Collaborative proposals are also welcomed.
See theGeneral Support Technology Programme guidance pagefor details on how to apply.
Closed Opportunities
To view closed opportunities, please visit our closed opportunities page.