
Guidance: Unlocking Space for Investment

Uk Space Agency

January 16
14:59 2025

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The National Space Strategy sets the ambition to grow the UK space economy through catalysing investment and championing the benefits of space. Unlocking Space for Investment (USI) will play a key role in enabling this ambition, through the delivery of a range interventions.

There are four key interventions thatUSIis currently delivering on, theUSI: the Business & Investor Pathway (BIP), theUKI2SSpace Portfolio (UKI2S), the USI Network and the Space Investment Day networking event.

In addition to our key interventions, USI are developing plans for further work to build an end-to-end business development and access to finance offer to enable a complete journey of growth for space companies.

If you would like any further information, have any questions or feedback about these programmes, or would like to request to be added to our USI network, please contact the team by email at

Updates to this page

Published 10 November 2023
Last updated 16 January 2025 +show all updates
  1. Updated privacy notice.

  2. Information about the Space Investment Day added to the Unlocking Space for Investment: Programme overview - HTML attachment.

  3. Changes made to content on the landing page.Updates made to the programme overview attachment.HTML and PDF versions of the '2024/25 Business and Investor Pathway Programme - Information' have been added as attachments.

  4. The Investor Pathway one-pager documents and the Business Pathway two-pager documents have been removed, as they have become outdated.The overview document has been removed and replace with a new document (programme overview) with up to date information.Content on the landing page has been updated.

  5. Updated with latest information.

  6. Update to section 3.1 of Unlocking Space for Investment - overview - HTML attachment. Applications have now closed to cohort 1, and have opened for cohort 2.Slight update to wording in section 3.2 to reflect the above.

  7. Slight wording changes to Unlocking Space for Investment - Business Pathway two-pager (PDF). Unlocking Space for Investment - Business Pathway two-pager - HTML version created to have accessible version of the PDF.

  8. Unlocking Space for Investment - Business Pathway two-pager (PDF) - file attachment addedUnlocking Space for Investment - overview - HTML attachment updatedInformation on Business Pathway Programme added to landing page

  9. First published.

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