Uk Visas Immigration
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UK Visas and Immigration guidance on how staff assess the continuous residence requirements for applications for settlement (indefinite leave to remain) in the UK under the following routes where Appendix Continuous Residence applies:
- Skilled Worker (and Tier 2 (General))
- T2 Minister of Religion (and Tier 2 (Minister of Religion))
- International Sportsperson (and T2 Sportsperson and Tier 2 (Sportsperson))
- Representative of an Overseas Business (and Media Representative and Sole Representative)
- UK Ancestry
- Global Talent (and Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent))
- Innovator
- Domestic Worker in a Private Household
- International Agreement Worker (and Private Servant in a Diplomatic Household)
- Hong Kong British National (Overseas)
- Dependants and Child Dependants of the routes listed above, except for UK Ancestry and Representative of an Overseas Business where there is no qualifying period of continuous residence for dependants
- Appendix Settlement Family Life (previously included as 10 year partner or parent settlement under Appendix FM)
- Appendix Private Life (previously paragraphs 276ADE(1)-276DH of Part 7) this guidance applies for all settlement applications with the exception of a child born in the UK with 7 years continuous residence who is applying for immediate settlement for guidance on children born in the UK refer to Settlement family and private life