Uk Visas Immigration
UK Visas and Immigration guidance on how staff make decisions for people applying for leave to remain under the destitution domestic violence (DDV) concession.
UK Visas and Immigration guidance on how staff make decisions for people applying for leave to remain under the destitution domestic violence (DDV) concession.
The name of the concession has changed from 'destitute domestic violence concession' to 'migrant victims of domestic abuse concession'. The eligibility criteria has been updated to include victims of domestic abuse in the UK as a partner of a person on a work and economic route or as a student or graduate.
The victims of domestic violence guidance has been renamed and updated to reflect the introduction of appendix victims of domestic abuse, including guidance on out of country applications for victims of transnational marriage abandonment.
Updated victims of domestic violence guidance.
Updated victims of domestic violence guidance and new guidance on victims of domestic violence and abuse DDV concession added.
Updated guidance.
Updated document.
Updated 29 January 2014
First published.