Change of use of annexe to dwelling house
Valuation Office Agency
- Research: Bird flu (avian influenza): cases in wild birds
- Greater protection for domestic abuse victims in Cleveland
- Promoting competition and protecting consumers in the digital age: a roadmap for growth
- Synopsys / Ansys merger inquiry
- Corporate report: Infected Blood Compensation Authority (IBCA) framework document
- What are Community Diagnostic Centres?
- Trading Standards: enforcement of hallmarking law
- Unclaimed estates list
- Join the list of authorised distance plant sellers
- Foot and mouth disease: how to spot and report it
Development: Retrospective change of existing live/work unit (Sui Generis) to residential (C3).
Part retrospective: Construction of single storey side and rear extensions.
Conversion of Barn to no. 1 dwelling (part retrospective)
Publication plan for VOAs Official Statistics and Ad-hoc publications. This includes any proposed changes to statistical outputs.
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) issue the VO6038 form to assess the rateable value of this type of non-domestic property.
Guidance on the information the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) holds about your property for Council Tax purposes.
Details of our progress in meeting the commitments in our Welsh Language Scheme between November 2022 and October 2023.
This publication is intended for Valuation Officers. It may contain links to internal resources that are not available through this version.
Guidance for Valuation Officers.
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) publish official statistics for England and Wales on Non-Domestic Rating and Council Tax.
Statistics on checks and challenges against the 2017 and 2023 local rating lists at 31 December 2024.
Your Council Tax bill - how to work it out, who has to pay, discounts and exemptions for students and disabled people, second homes, empty properties, paying the bill and getting the Council Tax rebate.
Statistics on stock and value of properties on the 2023 central and local rating lists as at 31 March 2024.
Historical LHA rates for reference.
Tables showing the Local Housing Allowance rates in accordance with statute.
How long Valuation Office Agency (VOA) takes to pay invoices.
How long Valuation Office Agency (VOA) takes to pay invoices.
The programme is open to qualified chartered surveyors who have had a break from the profession.
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) publishes a profile of the items it spends its budget on which exceed £25,000 in value.
A developers guide to appealing a Community Infrastructure Levy with the Valuation Office Agency.
This guide from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) will help you identify fraudulent calls, emails and texts. You can also find out how to report any suspicious activity.
These objectives set the Valuation Office Agency's priorities, actions and measures for diversity and inclusion from 2025 to 2028.
VOA continues its investigation into potential breaches of its standards.
Publication plan for VOAs Official Statistics and Ad-hoc publications. This includes any proposed changes to statistical outputs.
Reports on departmental staff numbers and costs.
Guidance on programme eligibility.
This publication is intended for Valuation Officers. It may contain links to internal resources that are not available through this version.
Guidance for Valuation Officers.
Construction of a food retail unit, coffee retail unit and drive thru, two industrial units with associated parking and landscaping.
Demolition of existing single family dwelling and construction of new detached dwelling
The form is used to register for the 2023 Central Rating List check and challenge service in England and Wales.
VOA continues its investigation into potential breaches of its standards.
Change of use from Dental Surgery (Class E use) to 1no. dwellinghouse (Class C3 use) including external alterations to front.
Erection of one self-build dwelling and two semi-detached dwellings.
Change of use of existing upper storey and part conversion of ground floor from Banking (E(c)) to dwelling houses (C3) plus addition of new third floor and erection of rear extension to provide in total 18 no. self-contained residential units. Part conversion of ground floor from Banking (E(c)) to a flexible use between Classes E(a), E(b), E(c) or E(e).
Roof alterations and extensions to allow the enlargement of existing first floor flats; construction of front porches and render to front elevation (pursuant to the change of use of part of the ground floor commercial to flats and provision of rear amenity space, bicycle store and bin store.
Agents suspended as the VOA investigates a potential breach of its standards.
The form is used to register for the 2023 Central Rating List check and challenge service in England and Wales.
Spending by electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS), over £500.
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) publishes a profile of the items it spends its budget on which exceed £25,000 in value.
Valuation Office Agency (VOA) March 2024 Government Major Projects Portfolio data that supports the 2023-24 Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) annual report.
Erection of an Agricultural Building with ancillary staff welfare facilities and workshop.
These objectives set the Valuation Office Agency's priorities, actions and measures for diversity and inclusion from 2025 to 2028.
Assisting local authorities to access information and services from the Valuation Office Agency.
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