
Special Import Scheme changes

Veterinary Medicines Directorate

June 13
10:17 2016

  • Instantaneous import certificates can now be issued for more products including STCs

  • Applications will only be assessed by the VMD if we have specific queries on the product you are applying for

  • Tick box declarations have replaced the need for a full justification

  • Links to authorised UK and EU medicine databases have been added to help you

  • Where the product is required to be kept in stock, multiple species can now be listed. A maximum volume of 1 month estimated use is permitted

  • When you apply to import a new product, the system will automatically check the existing list of already imported products

  • You can now add a new species to an existing product, without needing to re-enter the full product details

  • Certificates are shorter and only detail essential information

  • The warnings on each certificate will be more specific to the product and the intended use and will name the responsible person

  • No need to send records of use, unless specifically requested

As more certificates will be issued instantaneously we will be monitoring product volumes retrospectively, instead of at point of application. So you may be required to provide us with records of use after you have received your import certificate.

You, as the veterinary surgeon, are responsible for your decision to use a product under the prescribing Cascade and the subsequent use of the imported product.

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