Animal Plant Health Agency
These forms should be completed by growers and traders to apply for registration and authorisation to issue plant passports. It should also be completed to apply for fireblight buffer zone status.
To issue plant passports under the Plant Health (Phytosanitary Conditions) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 plant health regulations, you must apply for both official authorisation and registration with APHA. This will replace your existing authorisation.
You need to complete the following forms and send to
- application for official registration to issue plant passports (AppREG)
- application for authorisation to issue plant passports (AppAUTH)
APHA will process your registration within 5 days. Youll receive an email confirming your authority to issue plant passports.
Apply online
APHA is trialling a new online form to register to become a plant health professional operator.
Youll need to provide a grid reference for the location of your main production site or head office. Use Ordnance Survey Maps to get a grid reference before you apply.