Better Regulation Delivery Office
The Better Business for All (BBfA) programme has improved how regulation is delivered and received locally, supporting growth by providing a model for partnership working between businesses and regulators, and focusing on changing the culture of regulatory delivery at a local level.
Local partnerships have received support from LEPs, local authority chief executives, Growth Hubs, FSB, Chambers of Commerce, and many other stakeholders. Priorities vary and each partnership tailors its approach according to its locality.
These partnerships have enabled regulators to understand businesses better, and tailor their services to meet business needs. It is now time to recognise and promote that best practice in the form of the BBfA Awards.
The awards will showcase the work of BBfAs pathfinders, champions and new adopters. The deadline is 13 November 2015 and the winners will be announced in early 2016 with an awards presentation in March.