Central Arbitration Committee
The Department for Business and Trade Ministers have appointed several Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) Deputy Chairs and Members to serve five-years terms. All appointments start on the 07 May 2024.
The following have been appointed:
Deputy Chairs Alan Bogg; Benjimin Burgher; Susan Cox; Jonathan Gray; Andrew James; Paul Swann.
Employer Members Amanda Ashworth; Deborah England; Joe Corcos; John Rawling; Julia Buck; Mark Pennifold; Robert Light.
Worker Members Christopher Burrows; Nigel Cotgrove; Brian Hooper; Stephan Jary; Joanne Kaye; Andy Peart; Sean Starbuck; Tim Rose, Morris Stemp.
The CAC is an independent statutory authority with specific functions relating to trade unions and employers. The most significant function of the CAC is adjudicating on the recognition and de-recognition of trade unions for collective bargaining in the workplace. This is carried out by applying the underpinning UK trade union recognition legislation when considering a unions application for collective bargaining in a workplace, whilst seeking agreement between a union and the employer where possible.
The overall responsibility for the CACs work rests with the Chair. The CAC itself comprises three groups: Deputy Chairs; Members with experience as employers representatives (mainly HR Directors and Employment Relations leaders); and Members with experience as workers representatives (mainly senior trade union officials). It works through Panels consisting of the Chair or a Deputy Chair and one member drawn from eac