
Certification Officer: Announcements

Certification Officer

January 8
08:42 2024

4 January 2024

Sartin v UNISON (D/2/23-24)

The applicant made a complaint that UNISON: The Public Service Union breached section 30(2) of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 in failing to comply with his request to access accounting records of the union. Following a hearing held by Video Conference on 14 November 2023, the Certification Officer upheld the complaint and made an enforcement order to ensure the applicants access to the relevant records.

15 December 2023

Scottish Engineering was removed from the Certification Officers list of Employers Associations on 14 December 2023 because it no longer meets the statutory definition of an Employers Association.

25 October 2023

Union of Pilots, Engineers & Cabin Crew (UPECC) has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 20 October 2023

PTSC has been removed from the Certification Officers list of Trade Unions on 6 October 2023 because it no longer meets the statutory definition of a Trade Union.

The National Association of Farriers, Blacksmiths and Agricultural Engineers has been removed from the Certification Officers list of Employers Associations on 27 September because it no longer meets the statutory definition of an Employers Association.

Autonomous Workers Union (AW Union) has been removed from the Certification Officers list of Trade Union on 14 August 2023 because it no longer meets the statutory definition of a Trade Union.

19 October 2023

Certification Office awarded Investors In People (IIP), Gold accreditation

Investors in People has awarded the Certification Office its Gold accreditation. Achieving this internationally-recognised standard demonstrates the Certification Offices commitment to excellence through quality people management.

Sarah Bedwell, the Certification Officer, said:

Im exceptionally proud of everyone for achieving this award it recognises how well we all work together and our commitment to providing a good service especially following implementation of the new legislation. It also shows that we have adapted well not only to flexible working following the pandemic but also the way we work and provide our services. The team has taken responsibility for exploring new ideas on all aspects of our work. We will build on our success by continuing to develop together and deliver improvements for our customers and stakeholders. The award, recognises a highly empowered workforce, supportive management and an embedded commitment to developing and valuing individuals. Gold is a fantastic achievement for a very small organisation such as ours

IIP aims to make work better through investing in the right blend of talent, motivation and leadership. The IIP framework assesses organisations in three areas:

Leading: Inspiring people ; living the organisations values and behaviours; and empowering and involving people Supporting: Managing performance; rewarding and recognising high performance; and structuring work Improving: Building capability; delivering continuous improvement; and creating sustainable success

These are some of the things the assessor said:

The Certification Office has adapted well to flexible working and changes in legislation. Team work is excellent and people are confident in discussing challenges, caseloads and future plans. The pandemic has helped to focus on communication and people look forward to their daily 11am meetings. This has provided a valuable forum that has helped people to understand their colleagues much more in a work and personal setting. People take responsibility for improvements and are keen to get involved in new projects. They feel trusted to get on with their work, they understand key milestones and know where to seek advice and support. This has led to a culture of continuous improvement including:

website developments

inductions for new staff


flexible and adaptable working conditions

succinct and user friendly communications

People believe their professional development will be fully supported. Everyone have access to online courses, workshops and external training. Learning on the job and being supported to lead on projects is highly valued. People believe the Certification Office is a great place to work. They would recommend it to people as part of secondments or progressive career development

6 July 2023

The Annual Report of the Certification Officer, Sarah Bedwell, was laid before Parliament on 6 July 2023. The report describes the work of the Certification Officer over the year 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 and provides detailed information on all trade unions and employers associations. The statistical information it contains is drawn from the annual returns received during the reporting period, which relate mainly to the year ending 31 December 2021.

26 June 2023

Empower The Workers Union has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 23 June 2023.

31 May 2023

Security Industry Federation has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 19 May 2023.

25 May 2023

Simpson v Unite the Union (D/1/23-24)

This decision relates to Mr Simpsons application under 108A (1) of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 that the union breached its rules relating to the disciplinary process. This was originally determined by the Certification Officer on 18 February 2021 (D.23-25.20-21).

On appeal, the Employment Appeal Tribunal remitted a matter back to the Certification Officer for consideration. The issue the Certification Officer had to consider was whether the disciplinary process adopted by the Union gave rise to an appearance of bias by way of pre-determination. The case was determined on written submissions alone. The Certification Officer did not uphold the complaint.

12 May 2023

The Womens Rugby Association has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 11 May 2023.

National Employees Union has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 9 May 2023.

9 May 2023

Stage Directors U.K. Union has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 17 April 2023.

4 April 2023

Certification Offices Business Plan for 2023-2024 published

30 March 2023

Dawes v Royal College of Nursing (RCN) (D/18-27/22-23)

Mr Dawes made 10 complaints of breaches of Union rules relating to disciplinary proceedings by the Union under section 108A(1) of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. Following a hearing held by Video Conference on 14 ,15 and 24 February 2023, the Certification Officer refused 8 of the complaints and upheld the remaining 2 complaints.

8 February 2023

Change of Name: Currys Supply Chain Staff Association (CSCSA)

The Certification Officer has approved an application from Currys Supply Chain Staff Association CSCSA to change its name to Currys Trade Union - CTU with effect from 8 February 2023.

6 January 2023

The application for a certificate of independence from Solid Trade Union was approved by the Certification Officer on 6 January 2023.

22 November 2022

An application for a certificate of independence under section 6 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 has been received from Solid Trade Union. Any person who wishes to submit any information relevant to this application should do so within one calendar month of the date of this notice.

9 November 2022

Breach of union rules decision:McKay v UNISON (D/17/22-23)

Mr McKay made a complaint of a breach of rule relating to disciplinary proceedings by the Union under section 108A(1) of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation Act). The Union concede

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