
Pennon / Sumisho Osaka Gas Water UK merger inquiry

Competition Markets Authority

June 14
10:00 2024

Following completion of the transaction, Sumisho Osaka Gas Water UK Limiteds name was changed to Sutton and East Surrey Group Holdings Limited.

Statutory timetable

Phase 1 Action
14 June 2024 Undertakings in lieu of reference accepted
21 May 2024 Consultation on proposed undertakings in lieu of reference: closed 5 June 2024
14 May 2024 CMA to consider undertakings offered
3 May 2024 Decision announced
7 March 2024 Launch of merger inquiry
27 February 2024 to 12 March 2024 Invitation to comment
8 January 2024 Initial enforcement order

Phase 1

Undertakings in lieu of reference accepted

14 June 2024: The CMA has accepted undertakings in lieu of reference for the completed acquisition by Pennon Group plc of Sutton and East Surrey Group Holdings Limited.

Undertakings in lieu of reference consultation: closed 5 June 2024

21 May 2024: The CMA is consulting on proposed undertakings in lieu of a reference to a Phase 2 investigation offered by the Parties.

CMA to consider undertakings offered

14 May 2024: The CMA considers that there are reasonable grounds for believing that the undertakings offered by the Parties, or a modified version of them, might be accepted by the CMA under the Water Industry Act 1991.

Reference unless undertakings accepted

3 May 2024: The CMA has decided, on the information currently available to it, that it is or may be the case that this merger has prejudiced or will prejudice Ofwats ability to make comparisons between water enterprises. This merger will be referred for a phase 2 investigation unless the parties offer acceptable undertakings to address the adverse impact of the merger on Ofwats system of comparative regulation.

Launch of merger inquiry

7 March 2024: The CMA announced the launch of its merger inquiry by notice to the Parties.

Invitation to comment: closed on 12 March 2024

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is considering pursuant to section 32(b) of the Water Industry Act 1991 (WIA91), whether it is or may be the case that a merger of two or more water enterprises has taken place and, if so, whether the creation of that situation is likely to prejudice Ofwats ability, in carrying out its functions, to make comparisons between water enterprises.

The CMA is issuing this preliminary invitation to comment to allow interested parties to submit to the CMA any initial views on the impact that the transaction could have on water regulation in England and Wales. The CMA has not yet launched its formal investigation into this transaction. This invitation to comment is the first part of the CMAs information-gathering process.

To assist it with this assessment, the CMA invites comments on the merger from any interested party.

These comments should be provided by the deadline set out above.

Initial enforcement order

8 January 2024: The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) served an initial enforcement order under section 72(2) of the Enterprise Act 2002, as modified by the Water Mergers (Modification of Enactments) Regulations 2004, in relation to the completed acquisition by Pennon Group Plc of Sumisho Osaka Gas Water UK Limited.

Amendments / consents granted


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