
Guidance: Holcombe Moor firing times

Defence Infrastructure Organisation

July 4
07:44 2024

Do not touch or remove anything from Holcombe Moor Training Area, it may be dangerous.

Please note that blank ammunition and pyrotechnics may be used outside published live-firing times.

Weekly timings are from 7am Monday to 3pm Sunday.

Do not enter the danger area when the range is in use, this is a danger to life. If red flags or lights are hoisted, regardless of the timings, do not enter the training area. Learn more about accessing MOD training areas safely.

You have access to the public rights of way on the remainder of the training area at all times, but should be aware that dry training may be in progress with blank and pyrotechnic ammunition.

Published 1 December 2012
Last updated 4 July 2024 +show all updates
  1. Updated 'Holcombe Moor firing times 6 to 12 July'.

  2. Added Holcombe Moor firing times 1 June to 2 August 2024.

  3. Added Holcombe Moor firing times 30 March to 31 May 2024.

  4. Updated Holcombe Moor firing times 10 to 16 February.

  5. Added: Holcombe Moor firing times 27 January to 29 March 2024.

  6. Added: Holcombe Moor firing times 9 to 31 December 2023 and 1 to 26 January 2024.

  7. Added Holcombe Moor firing times 28 October to 8 December.

  8. Added information on the use of blank ammunition outside of live firing times to 'Details'.

  9. Updated: Holcombe Moor firing times 7 to 13 October and 14 to 20 October.

  10. Updated: Holcombe Moor firing times 9 to 15 September

  11. Updated: contact telephone number for information on firing taking place on Holcombe Moor.

  12. Added Holcombe Moor firing times 2 September to 27 October.

  13. Added Holcombe Moor firing times 22 July to 1 September.

  14. Added Holcombe Moor firing times 17 June to 21 July.

  15. Updated Holcombe Moor firing times 29 April to 5 May.

  16. Updated Holcombe Moor firing times 15 to 21 April.

  17. Updated Holcombe Moor firing times 8 to 21 April, and added Holcombe Moor firing times 22 April to 2 June.

  18. Added Holcombe Moor firing times 18 March to 21 April 2023.

  19. Added Holcombe Moor firing times 11 February to 17 March 2023.

  20. 'Holcombe Moor firing times 14 January to 10 February' added.

  21. Added Holcombe Moor firing times 26 November to 13 January.

  22. Added Holcombe Moor firing times 5 to 25 November.

  23. Added Holcombe Moor firing times 15 October to 4 November.

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