
Transparency data: Local authority interactive tool (LAIT)

Department For Education

November 7
14:33 2024

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Weve removed the Local authority interactive tool (LAIT) file as its not accessible because of missing alternative text, tables with complex structures and hard to read text contrast.

This means it doesnt meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines success criteria 1.1.1 non-text content, 1.3.2 meaningful sequence and 1.4.3 contrast.Were working on an alternative but in the meantime, if youd like a copy of the tool, please email the title: Send me copy of LAIT.

If youve any general questions about the tool or would like to be sent a non macro version, please

DfEsprivacy information: local authority employeesexplains how we process your personal data.

The local authority interactive tool (LAIT) presents information in interactive tables and charts with the local authoritys rank and position in England.

It includes data on:

  • children looked after by local authorities
  • child protection
  • special educational needs and disability (SEND)
  • pupil attainment
  • childrens health
  • post-16 circumstances
  • judgements from Ofsted

The Childrens services statistical neighbour benchmarking tool allows you to select a local authority and display its closest statistical neighbours (local authorities with similar characteristics).

More information is available in appendix A of the Local authority interactive tool: user guide.

Original data on the LAIT is sourced from:

Ofsteds 5-year inspection data is also available for childrens social care, early years, further education and skills, non-association independent schools, initial teacher education providers and state-funded schools.

Updates to this page

Published 28 January 2014
Last updated 7 November 2024 +show all updates
  1. Updated 'Local authority interactive tool: version log'.

  2. Updated 'Local authority interactive tool: version log'.

  3. Removed 'Local authority interactive tool'. Updated 'Local authority interactive tool: user guide' and 'Local authority interactive tool: version log'.

  4. Updated 'Local authority interactive tool' and 'Local authority interactive tool: version log'.

  5. Updated 'Local authority interactive tool' and 'Local authority interactive tool: version log'.

  6. Updated 'Local authority interactive tool' and 'Local authority interactive tool: version log'.

  7. Updated 'Local authority interactive tool' and 'Local authority interactive tool: version log'.

  8. Updated 'Local authority interactive tool' and 'Local authority interactive tool: version log'.

  9. Updated 'Local authority interactive tool' and 'Local authority interactive tool: version log'.

  10. Updated 'Local authority interactive tool' and 'Local authority interactive tool: version log'.

  11. Removed link to survey about decommissioning the local authority interactive tool as the survey is now closed. Added link to Ofsteds 5-year inspection data.

  12. Updated 'Local authority interactive tool' and 'Local authority interactive tool: version log'.

  13. 'Local authority interactive tool' and 'Local authority interactive tool: version log' have been updated.

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