
Open call for evidence: Integrated National Transport Strategy: a call for ideas

Department For Transport

November 28
11:30 2024

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The Department for Transport is developing a strategy which will set the high-level direction for how transport should be designed, built and operated in England over the next 10 years.

It will set out a single national vision which will put people who use transport and their needs at its heart and empower local leaders to deliver integrated transport solutions that meet the needs of their local communities.

To help us create the strategy, we are now asking people:

  • about their experience of transport in England
  • what we could do to make it better

We want to hear from:

  • people who use any form of transport, including cars, vans, motorbikes, mopeds, trains, underground, metro, trams, buses, minibuses, coaches, bikes, e-bikes, walking or wheeling
  • frontline transport workers people who work in the transport industry
  • companies and organisations that operate in the transport sector

Responses to this call for ideas will be considered in the drafting of the Integrated National Transport Strategy.


Ways to respond


Write to:

Integrated National Transport Strategy
Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road


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