
Statistical data set: Domestic road freight activity (RFS01)

Department For Transport

October 10
08:30 2024

RFS0101: Goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres (ODS, 10.7 KB)

Domestic road freight by commodity

RFS0103: Average length of haul by commodity (ODS, 9.73 KB)

RFS0104: Goods lifted and goods moved by commodity (ODS, 23 KB)

RFS0105: Goods lifted and goods moved by commodity and length of haul (ODS, 17.1 KB)

RFS0106: Goods lifted and goods moved by commodity and type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 16.8 KB)

RFS0107: Goods lifted and goods moved by commodity and mode of working (ODS, 11.7 KB)

Domestic road freight by type and weight of vehicle

RFS0108: Average length of haul by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 10.7 KB)

RFS0109: Goods lifted and moved by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 13.7 KB)

RFS0110: Vehicle kilometres by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 8.78 KB)

RFS0111: Average annual goods lifted and goods moved by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 9.19 KB)

RFS0112: Average annual vehicle kilometres (loaded, empty and total) by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 9.97 KB)

RFS0113: Goods lifted and goods moved by type and weight of vehicle and length of haul (ODS, 13.6 KB)

Domestic road freight by mode of working

RFS0114: Goods lifted and goods moved by mode of working (ODS, 37.5 KB)

RFS0115: Goods lifted and goods moved by length of haul and mode of working (ODS, 10.7 KB)

RFS0116: Goods lifted, goods moved and vehicle kilometres by type and weight of vehicle and mode of working (ODS, 9.87 KB)

RFS0117: Vehicle kilometres (loaded, empty and total) by type and weight of vehicle and mode of working (ODS, 9.75 KB)

Domestic road freight by dangerous goods class

RFS0118: Dangerous goods lifted and dangerous goods moved by dangerous goods class (ODS, 11.5 KB)

Domestic road freight by mode of appearance

RFS0119: Goods lifted, goods moved and loaded vehicle kilometres by mode of appearance (ODS, 9.92 KB)

RFS0120: Goods lifted and goods moved by type and weight of vehicle and mode of appearance (ODS, 12.3 KB)

Domestic road freight by region

RFS0121: Goods lifted and goods moved by region and country of origin (ODS, 10.9 KB)

RFS0122: Goods lifted and goods moved by region and country of origin and destination (

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