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Port and domestic waterborne freight table index
Port and domestic waterborne freight statistics: table index (ODS, 27.1 KB)
All port traffic totals: major and minor
PORT0101: All freight tonnage traffic by port and year (filter by direction) (ODS, 243 KB)
PORT0102: All freight tonnage traffic, international and domestic by direction and year (ODS, 58 KB)
PORT0103: All unitised freight traffic by cargo type and year (ODS, 53 KB)
PORT0104: All main freight units traffic by route and year (ODS, 104 KB)
Major port traffic by cargo type
PORT0201: Freight traffic cargo types by year (filter by direction and route) (ODS, 259 KB)
PORT0202: Unitised freight traffic cargo types by year (filter by direction and route) (ODS, 322 KB)
PORT0203: Unitised main freight traffic by port, cargo type, metric and loaded status (filter by direction and year) (ODS, 560 KB)
Major port traffic by route
PORT0204: International freight traffic by route and cargo type (filter by direction and year) (ODS, 3.97 MB)
PORT0205: Freight traffic by top routes and year (sort by year, filter by cargo type and direction) (ODS, 4.85 MB)
PORT0206: Freight traffic by top 30 routes for each cargo type (sort by direction, filter by cargo type and year) (ODS, 2.84 MB)
Port level statistics
PORT0301: Freight traffic by port and year (filter by direction and cargo type) (ODS, 2.24 MB)
PORT0302: Freight traffic by port and route (filter by direction, cargo type and year) (ODS, 9.88 MB)
PORT0303: Freight traffic by top 30 UK ports for each cargo type (sort by direction, filter by year, cargo type) (ODS, 2.81 MB)
PORT0304: Map of UK ports by tonnage and direction, for major ports over 2 million tonnes (ODS, 2.88 MB)
PORT0400: Individual UK major port freight traffic by cargo type and route (filter by port and year) (ODS, 3.49 MB)
PORT0499: UK major port freight traffic: port level downloadable dataset (ODS, 9.76 MB)
Quarterly trends
From December 2023, we have discontinuedPORT0501from the quarterly port freight statisticsdue to low user engagement.PORT0501presented tonnage and unit totals at the national level as indices. National level tonnage and unit totals will remain available in PORT0502.
Following user feedback, the department are trialling publishing estimates of cargo group alongside the quarterly Port Freight Statistics, in a proposed third quarterly table PORT0503.
This new data is regarded as statistics in development, awaiting user feedback and further quality assurance to provide timely estimates. You can provide feedback about this change by filling in this form. We continue to welcome any feedback on any aspect of the port freight statistics (see contact details).
PORT0502: UK major port traffic, total tonnag
View the original news story