
Statistical data set: Car driving tests with zero faults and top 10 faults data

Driver Vehicle Standards Agency

September 2
08:30 2024

About this data set

This data set comes from data held by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA).

It is not classed as an official statistic. This means its not subject to scrutiny and assessment by the UK Statistics Authority.

Data tables

Car driving tests with zero faults

This data table shows the number of car driving tests where candidates made no dangerous, serious or driver faults since April 2007.

Its updated once a year.

Top 10 faults made in car driving tests

This data table shows the top 10 faults made in car driving tests since April 2007.

Its updated once a year.

DVSA publishes separate guidance about the top 10 reasons people fail the driving test. This includes examples of the types of mistakes that count under each of the failure reasons.

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By law, DVSA cannot send you information thats part of an official statistic that has not yet been published.

Updates to this page

Published 18 September 2014
Last updated 2 September 2024 +show all updates
  1. Updated tables DVSA1207 and DVSA1208 with data to March 2024.

  2. Updated tables DVSA1207 and DVSA1208 with data to March 2023.

  3. Split table DVSA1207 into 2 tables - DVSA1207 (Car driving tests with zero faults) and DVSA1208 (Top 10 faults made in car driving tests). Updated tables DVSA1207 and DVSA1208 with data to March 2022.

  4. Updated table 'DVSA1207 - Top 10 reasons for failing the car driving test' with data to March 2021.

  5. Updated table 'DVSA1207 - Top 10 reasons for failing the practical driving test, 2006 to 2019' with data to March 2020.

  6. Updated table 'DVSA1207 - Top 10 reasons for failing the practical driving test, 2006 to 2019' with data to March 2019.

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