
Foreign Secretary welcomes independent assessment of Iran nuclear capabilities

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

December 15
17:18 2015

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond has welcomed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)s final assessment of its investigation into Irans nuclear capabilities.

The Board of Governors of the IAEA today unanimously passed a resolution which recognised that Iran has implemented all activities required of it under the Possible Military Dimensions (PMD) Road-map. This allows the IAEAs Board to close its consideration of this specific issue.

The Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said:

This is an important day for our engagement with Iran. A four year investigation of the possible military dimensions of Irans nuclear programme has come to a close, and the IAEAs focus can now shift to verifying and monitoring the historic Iran nuclear deal agreed in July.

Full implementation of that deal, together with Irans compliance with enhanced inspection and verification activities, is the most effective way of ensuring Iran does not pursue a military nuclear programme, thus helping to ensure regional security and allowing Iran to re-engage with the international community.

We look forward to seeing Iran complete the remaining activities required of it before Implementation Day can occur and sanctions can begin to be lifted.

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