
Minister for Central Asia visits Turkey and Uzbekistan

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

April 7
12:40 2016

The Minister for Central Asia, Tobias Ellwood, visited Turkey on 4 April and Uzbekistan from 5-6 April 2016.

In Turkey Minister Ellwood met with the Syrian National Coalition, as well as local Turkish and UK organisations focused on supporting refugees, and preventing sexual violence in conflict.

In his first visit to Uzbekistan as Minister for Central Asia, Mr Ellwood met a number of Ministers and senior officials and discussed a range of issues including political and security, human rights, trade and investment.

The Minister also held meetings with British businesses working in Tashkent, Uzbek alumni of British universities and students of Westminster International University in Tashkent.

Following the visit, the Minister said:

Turkey is a key player in the region dealing with the Syrian conflict. I was pleased to meet a range of organisations to learn about the important work they do.

This was my first visit to Uzbekistan and an important opportunity to deepen and strengthen bilateral relations between the UK and Uzbekistan on a number of issues important to us both.

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