
Shakespeare Themed QBP Celebrations

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

June 24
10:36 2016

The high profile event was attended by a broad spectrum of influential Zimbabweans from a cross section of society. The Shakespeare theme, including presentations of Shakespeares enduring global influence and a video booth with traditional costumes to allow guests to play their part and quote their favourite Shakespeare lines, was well received by Zimbabweans who continue to study Shakespeare at school.

Updating guests on the United Kingdom-Zimbabwe bilateral relations, Ambassador Catriona Laing said:

I want to reassure Zimbabweans that we will act to support the process of international re-engagement. Together with the Deputy Foreign Minister I jointly chair a bilateral dialogue between the UK and Zimbabwe where we discuss some of the difficult issues between us. We will continue to hold frank and honest discussions based on mutual respect. On our side we will continue to emphasise the importance of a shared appreciation of the rule of law and human rights.

The reception was held at the Residence gardens with speeches delivered from the Elizabethan Tudor-style theatre set constructed in preparation for a Shakespeare theatre performance of Much Ado About Nothing. The total number of QBP guests this year doubled to 721 from 348 guests last year with a significantly higher proportion of Zimbabweans.

UK businesses including FastJet, Standard Chartered and Jaguar Landrover supported the event.

Read Ambassador Catriona Laings full speech Full Text of Ambassador Laing's speech (PDF, 245KB, 3 pages)

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