
Corporate report: Section 5A drug driving lessons learnt review

Forensic Science Regulator

May 15
16:05 2024

This report is aimed at practitioners and forensic units undertaking drug driving toxicology testing and other stakeholders with an interest in this area.

This report looks at a significant quality failure in the provision of drugs driving analysis which resulted in more than 1,700 reported results being rescinded.

This report considers the events, decisions and organisational responses that led to this quality failure through 4 key areas:

  • root cause
  • wider organisational risk management processes
  • accreditation and regulatory processes
  • effectiveness of regulatory requirements.

This report outlines lessons learnt from these key areas and identifies where actions should be taken to reduce the risk of a similar failure in the future.

The regulator will follow up on the learning points identified in this report through:

  • making amendments to the code of practice
  • engagement with stakeholders
  • reporting on progress and outcomes through the FSR annual report
Published 15 May 2024

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