
New Centre for Excellence in Agriculture and Food Integrity launched

Government Chemist

June 22
06:03 2022

The Centre for Excellence in Agriculture and Food Integrity will develop innovative scientific-measurement solutions and digital technologies to help make supply chains more sustainable, reliable, safe, and productive.

The Centre will also educate and train current and future industry leadersacross the UKwith the specialist knowledge and skills needed for a fast-changing and competitive agrifood industry.

The Centre is part of an ambitious partnership between Queens University Belfast and the National Measurement Laboratory (NML) at LGC in Teddington and will be based at the ASSET Technology Centre at Queens, in the heart of Belfasts globally significant innovation ecosystem.

Prof Julian Braybrook, UK Government Chemist and Director of National Laboratories at LGC, gave a presentation at the launch event. Prof Braybrook said:

The NML at LGC and Queens University Belfast have strong and highly complementary research environments. By adopting a One Health approach, the Centre will foster an interdisciplinary culture that facilitates innovation in scientific measurement and acceleration of impact to market through supported delivery of the UK Governments Innovation, Net Zero and National Food Strategies.

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