
Guidance: Digital and technology spend control version 6

Government Digital Service

February 10
08:37 2025

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Use version 5 of the digital and technology spend controls policy until CDDO has told you to use this version. If youre not sure which version to use contact your internal assurance team or CDDO.


Email for questions on the digital and technology spend control process.

Updates to this page

Published 23 February 2024
Last updated 10 February 2025 +show all updates
  1. Added the requirement to publish a record using the Algorithmic Transparency Recording Standard (ATRS) for any algorithmic tools involved in decision making with public impact to the digital and data functions strategic commitments.Removal of bullet referring to 'non agile phases' on Version 6 policy under Spend approval points.Several changes to the Risk and Importance policy. Financial threshold value changes for digital services and platforms and common components.Transaction threshold value per annum changes for digital services. Removal of the user needs question.The addition of a new spend category for 'resourcing contracts'.Changes to the spend category descriptions to be aligned with text on the Get approval to spend service.Minor editorial changes .Reformatting of table columns and cell contents to read from "low" to "high" .

  2. Changes to Version 6 policy to add missing links for Get approval to spend service and Strategic commitmentsRe-ordering of rows on digital and technology spend thresholds table in order of increasing threshold valueClarification to scope of digital and technology spend control

  3. First published.

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