
Guidance: How to publish ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings

Government Digital Service

December 14
16:00 2023

Prepare the data

The Cabinet Office Transparency Data team has provided this guidance on how to prepare your data.

Ministers Transparency Guidance (PDF, 251 KB, 20 pages)

They will commission you with - CSV (comma-separated values) templates, timing and appropriate approval processes.

This guidance will apply to transparency data for the period of January - March 2024 onwards, to be published in due course.

Government is committed to publishing this data quarterly.

Publish the data

Create a new GOV.UK publication page for each data release.

Publication page template

The publication title, summary, detail and file name is a government standard and must not be changed.

Publication type: Transparency data

Title: [Department name or acronym]: ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings, [month to month] [year]

Summary: Data on gifts that ministers gave and received, their external meetings and any overseas travel.


[Department] publishes details of ministers meetings with external organisations, gifts (given and received), hospitality and overseas travel on a quarterly basis.

This data is also available on

  • [add bulleted links to the pages this data also appears on]


Policies: Government transparency and accountability

Policy areas: Government efficiency, transparency and accountability

CSV attachment titles:

  • [Department]s ministerial gifts, [month to month] [year]
  • [Department]s ministerial hospitality, [month to month] [year]
  • [Department]s ministerial travel, [month to month] [year]
  • [Department]s ministerial meetings [month to month] [year]

When the dataset is published, add a link to it in your departments section on

Collection page

Add the new publication to your departments collection page for this data.

Make sure the collection page is tagged to the Government transparency and accountability policy.

Collection page template

Title: [Department]: ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings

Summary: All data on gifts that [department] ministers gave and received, their external meetings and any overseas travel.

Body (optional):

Government publishes details of ministers meetings with external organisations, gifts (given and received), hospitality and overseas travel on a quarterly basis.

Subheadings: Add headings for each calendar year, most recent first.

If there are no reports for a quarter, add Nothing was reported in [month to month] [year]. under the heading.

Published 14 December 2017
Last updated 14 December 2023 +show all updates
  1. Added the document: Ministers Transparency Guidance

  2. First published.

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