
National Apprenticeship Week in brief

Government Legal Department

February 12
14:28 2024

Last week, the Government Legal Department held a number of events for National Apprenticeship Week.

We have published stories from several current apprentices, from a variety of professions, as they share their experiences of training and working at GLD.You can read them here.

One of the events this week saw a group of our apprentices meet with the Attorney General, Rt Hon Victoria Prentis KC MP and the Solicitor General, Robert Courts KC MP in Parliament. They discussed their previous experiences and what led them to applying for apprenticeships at the Government Legal Department. These conversations highlighted that apprenticeships are not only for early talent and school leavers, but for people of any age wishing to explore new career paths. The apprentices were also given a tour of Parliament with a viewing of a debate in the House of Commons.

Another highlight was when Solicitor General, Robert Courts KC MP met for a conversation with GLD Graduate Solicitor Apprentice, Jacob McNair. Jacob explained that for him, doing an apprenticeship made sense because it was the thing that got him qualified the quickest and that in GLD, he has found somewhere he wants to build a career for the rest of his life.

The week concluded with the Treasury Solicitor, Susanna McGibbon, and other senior leaders meeting the apprentices for tea. This was a great opportunity for apprentices to connect with each other and the executive team and discuss their apprenticeship programmes.

GLD offers a number of apprenticeships for different careers. To find out more about government apprenticeships, please visit Apprenticeships | Civil Service Careers (civil-s

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