Hm Passport Office
November 25
class="gem-c-govspeak govuk-govspeak gem-c-govspeak--direction-ltr govuk-!-margin-bottom-0">
This guidance tells HM Passport Office staff dealing with applications from customers living in the UK or overseas what to do if there is no one with automatic parental responsibility.
It includes:
- information about court orders that grant parental responsibility (PR) to a person who does not have automatic PR
- how to deal with an application where the person consenting is named in a will as a testamentary guardian
- if the person consenting to the application does not have parental responsibility automatically or through a court order but is acting in loco parentis (in place of a parent)
- what to record as a case note if someone has legal guardianship through a court order, testamentary guardianship or is acting in loco parentis