Hm Treasury
class="gem-c-govspeak govuk-govspeak gem-c-govspeak--direction-ltr govuk-!-margin-bottom-0">
The public sector finances statistical bulletin is published jointly by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and HM Treasury on a monthly basis and provides the latest available estimates for key public sector finance statistics, such as public sector net borrowing, public sector net debt and public sector current budget deficit/surplus.
The bulletin is structured with the latest headline figures, revisions and information on recent events and/or methodological changes which impact on the statistics, located at the front of the bulletin.
Following this there is some contextual information for users and then more detailed information on each of the key aggregates. Historic data on public sector net debt and public sector net borrowing have been included to put the latest figures in context. More detailed notes on the publication are located towards the end of the bulletin.
HM Treasury is no longer producing the public sector finances databank. For information on the key fiscal aggregates:
Go to the OBR for outturn and projected numbers for the key fiscal aggregates in financial years.
Go to the ONS for outturn data of the key fiscal aggregates in quarters, financial years and on a monthly basis.
Go to the ONS for a breakdown on receipts and expenditure.