
April 2024 Transaction Data

Land Registry

May 22
10:00 2024

This data provides information about the number and types of applications that HM Land Registry completed inApril 2024.

Please note this data shows what HM Land Registry has been able to process during thetime periodcovered and is not necessarily a reflection of market activity.


  • HM Land Registry completed more than 1,953,640 applicationstochange or query the Land Register
  • the South East toppedthe table of regional applications with449,162

HM Land Registry completed 1,953,642 applications inApril compared with1,865,589 inMarchand1,595,150lastApril 2023, of which:

  • 299,195 were applications for register updates compared with295,437 inMarch
  • 1,128,292 were applications for anofficial copy of a register comparedwith1,063,005 inMarch
  • 186,959 were search and hold queries (official searches) comparedwith191,839 inMarch
  • 83,904 were transactions for value comparedwith83,467inMarch
  • 20,425were postal applications from non-account holders compared with20,519inMarch

Applications by region and country

Region/country February applications March applications April applications
South East 431,719 420,415 449,162
Greater London 359,378 349,872 362,233
North West 215,042 209,451 216,597
South West 180,916 180,665 188,320
West Midlands 157,910 157,411 164,859
Yorkshire and the Humber 149,606 150,143 159,242
East Midlands 138,195 138,317 144,324
North 95,557 93,755 97,741
East Anglia 83,153 78,787 83087
Isles of Scilly 97 111 94
Wales 89,265 86,573 87,830
England and Wales (not assigned) 112 89 153
Total 1,900,950 1,865,589 1,953,642

Top 5 local authority areas?

April 2024 applications

Top 5 local authority areas April applications
Birmingham 28,414
City of Westminster 27,872
Leeds 26,906
North Yorkshire 21,223
Buckinghamshire 20,598

March 2024 applications

Top 5 local authority areas March applications
Birmingham 27,725
City of Westminster 25,978
Leeds 22,523
Buckinghamshire 20,497
North Yorkshire 20,262

Top 5 customers?

April 2024 applications

Top 5 customers April applications
InfotrackLimited 180,459
Landmark Information Group Ltd 37,836
Enact 31,621
ONeill Patient 30,636
Orbital Witness Limited 27,383

March 2024 applications

Top 5 customers March applications
Infotrack Limited 166,587
Enact 32,374
ONeill Patient 30,339
Landmark Information Group Ltd 28,509
Orbital Witness Limited 26,295

Next publication

Transaction Data is published on the 15th working day of each month. The May 2024data will be published at 11

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