
Land Registry

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Guidance: HM Land Registry: local land charges search results

How search results will look for local authorities in the local land charges service.

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Statistical data set: Price Paid Data

Download the Price Paid Data (PPD) in text or CSV format and access our linked data.

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Guidance: HM Land Registry: Local Land Charges Programme

We are working with local authorities to create a national local land charges service that will speed up searches and reduce their cost.

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Guidance: HM Land Registry: processing times

Information on how quickly we will process your application.

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Guidance: Execution of deeds (PG8)

Advice on the execution of deeds that are to be submitted to HM Land Registry (practice guide 8).

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May 2024 Transaction Data

This data provides information about the number and types of applications that HM Land Registry completed in May 2024.

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Statistical data set: UK House Price Index: data downloads April 2024

Download aggregated data behind the UK House Price Index (UK HPI), in CSV format.

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Accredited official statistics: UK House Price Index for April 2024

Monthly report showing the data for the average house prices for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, including in CSV format.

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Press release: UK House Price Index for April 2024

The UK HPI shows house price changes for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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Guidance: Approval of mortgage documentation (PG30)

How to apply for approval of standard forms of legal charge and related deeds used by lending institutions (practice guide 30).

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Guidance: Notices, restrictions and protection of third party interests (PG19)

How to apply for a notice or restriction to protect a third-party interest in an estate (practice guide 19).

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Guidance: Devolution on the death of a registered proprietor (PG6)

What to do following the death of a joint, sole or last surviving proprietor of a registered estate, charge or mortgage (practice guide 6).

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Guidance: Discharge of charges (PG31)

Guidance about discharges of registered and noted charges, aimed at conveyancers (practice guide 31).

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Guidance: Private trusts of land (PG24)

Guidance on applications to register transactions involving trustees of land, aimed at conveyancers (practice guide 24).

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Land Registry File Picture

Guidance: HM Land Registry: Local Land Charges Programme

We are working with local authorities to create a national local land charges service that will speed up searches and reduce their cost.

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Land Registry File Picture

Guidance: HM Land Registry: local land charges search results

How search results will look for local authorities in the local land charges service.

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Land Registry File Picture

Guidance: HM Land Registry: Local Land Charges Programme

We are working with local authorities to create a national local land charges service that will speed up searches and reduce their cost.

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Guidance: HM Land Registry: Local Land Charges Programme

Land Registry File Picture

We are working with local authorities to create a national local land charges service that will speed up searches and reduce their cost.

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Guidance: Powers of attorney and registered land (PG9)

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Advice on the evidence that HM Land Registry needs when an attorney has executed documents lodged for registration (practice guide 9).

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Guidance: HM Land Registry: Local Land Charges Programme

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We are working with local authorities to create a national local land charges service that will speed up searches and reduce their cost.

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Statistical data set: Price Paid Data

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Download the Price Paid Data (PPD) in text or CSV format and access our linked data.

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Transparency data: HM Land Registry government procurement card: expenditure over £500 for 2024

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Expenditure over £500 by HM Land Registry using a government procurement card (GPC).

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Guidance: Charitable incorporated organisations (PG14a)

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Transactions involving charitable incorporated organisations, including their dissolution (practice guide 14A).

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Guidance: Leases: determination (PG26)

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How leases are determined and how this affects registered titles (practice guide 26).

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Guidance: Charging orders (PG76)

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HM Land Registry's guidance on charging orders (practice guide 76).

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Guidance: Easements (PG62)

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Guidance about the registration of easements under the Land Registration Act 2002. Aimed at conveyancers (practice guide 62).

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Guidance: Amending deeds that effect dispositions of registered land (PG68)

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Guidance about practice and requirements for applications supported by a transfer or deed to update the register (practice guide 68).

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Guidance: HM Land Registry: processing times

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Information on how quickly we will process your application.

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Guidance: HM Land Registry digital services roadmap

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Our digital services roadmap.

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April 2024 Transaction Data

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This data provides information about the number and types of applications that HM Land Registry completed in April 2024.

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Press release: UK House Price Index for March 2024

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The UK HPI shows house price changes for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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National Statistics: UK House Price Index for March 2024

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Monthly report showing the data for the average house prices for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, including in CSV format.

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Statistical data set: UK House Price Index: data downloads March 2024

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Download aggregated data behind the UK House Price Index (UK HPI), in CSV format.

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Guidance: The land charges registers and agricultural credits register: registration, official search, office copy and cancellation (PG63)

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Information about HM Land Registry Land Charges Department: applications for registration, official search, office copy and cancellation (practice guide 63)

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Guidance: Notices, restrictions and protection of third party interests (PG19)

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How to apply for a notice or restriction to protect a third-party interest in an estate (practice guide 19).

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Guidance: Inspection and application for official copies (PG11)

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How to apply to inspect or obtain official copies of leases and charges referred to in the register (practice guide 11).

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Guidance: Easements claimed by prescription (PG52)

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Information about acquiring easements by prescription (practice guide 52).

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Form: Proprietors' names: search of the index (PN1)

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Application form PN1 for a search of the Index of Proprietors' Names.

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Guidance: Charging orders (PG76)

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HM Land Registry's guidance on charging orders (practice guide 76).

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Guidance: Investigation or enforcement proceedings (court, insolvency, tax): applications (PG43)

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Advice on obtaining information held by HM Land Registry regarding court proceedings, insolvency and tax liability (practice guide 43).

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Guidance: HM Land Registry: Business Gateway

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Integrate your data directly with our systems by using Business Gateway. Direct integration saves time, reduces errors and allows you to use a single system.

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Guidance: Direct integration with Business Gateway

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Guidance about direct integration with Business Gateway.

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Guidance: Third party access to Business Gateway

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Guidance on third party access to Business Gateway

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Statistical data set: Price Paid Data

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Download the Price Paid Data (PPD) in text or CSV format and access our linked data.

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Guidance: Devolution on the death of a registered proprietor (PG6)

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What to do following the death of a joint, sole or last surviving proprietor of a registered estate, charge or mortgage (practice guide 6).

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