
May 2023 Transaction Data

Land Registry

June 21
10:00 2023

Please note this data shows what HM Land Registry has been able to process during the time period covered and is not necessarily a reflection of market activity.

In May:

  • HM Land Registry completed more than 1,828,510 applications to change or query the Land Register
  • the South East topped the table of regional applications with 415,725

HM Land Registry completed 1,828,515 applications in May compared with 1,595,150 in April and 1,983,661 last May 2022, of which:

  • 319,404 were applications for register updates compared with 290,723 in April
  • 1,013,801 were applications for an official copy of a register compared with 873,601 in April
  • 177,655 were search and hold queries (official searches) compared with 162,894 in April
  • 86,574 were transactions for value compared with 87,241 in April
  • 15,649 were postal applications from non-account holders compared with 17,267 in April

Applications by region and country

Region/country March applications April applications May applications
South East 459,168 361,928 415,725
Greater London 377,552 295,648 352,176
North West 229,986 182,653 205,140
South West 196,094 155,150 176,653
West Midlands 170,599 131,831 152,189
Yorkshire and the Humber 161,442 128,048 145,850
East Midlands 146,615 116,638 130,903
North 102,426 79,557 88,911
East Anglia 89,940 70,278 79,467
Isles of Scilly 126 66 99
Wales 92,483 73,278 81,304
England and Wales (not assigned) 96 66 98
Total 2,026,527 1,595,150 1,828,515

Top 5 local authority areas

May 2023 applications

Top 5 Local authority areas May applications
Birmingham 26,727
City of Westminster 25,982
Leeds 21,930
North Yorkshire 20,171
Manchester 19,076

April 2023 applications

Top 5 Local authority areas April applications
City of Westminster 22,329
Birmingham 22,131
Leeds 18,883
North Yorkshire 17,380
Cornwall 16,329

Top 5 customers

May 2023 applications

Top 5 customers May applications
Infotrack Limited 161,261
Enact 36,920
ONeill Patient 30,836
Landmark Information Group Ltd 22,604
Orbital Witness Limited 19,390

April 2023 applications

Top 5 customers April applications
Infotrack Limited 126,004
Enact 29,320
ONeill Patient 25,757
Landmark Information Group Ltd 19,038
Devonshires 17,140

Access the full dataset on our Use land and property data service.

Next publication

Transaction Data is published on the 15th working day of each month. The June 2023 data will be published

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