Legal Aid Agency
An upgrade to the Client and Cost Management System (CCMS) has resulted in an improved means interview process being released to users.
This new means interview will:
- reduce the overall number of screens in the means interview by up to 80%
- enable users to track their progress through the means interview
- allow users to navigate back and forward to different pages
When can the upgraded means interview be used?
The upgraded means interview can be used to create applications in all cases where an application:
- requires a full means assessment
- passported cases
- non means cases e.g. Special Children Act cases
Why use this upgraded version?
Providers already using the upgrade have confirmed that the means interview is a big improvement in terms of the reduced time spent:
- completing an application
- navigating around the interview
- tracking progress
Internet Explorer browsers older than version 9 may not be compatible with the upgraded version of CCMS. If you experience an issue with accessing the upgrades, you can resolve this by updating your browser.
If you decide not to update your browser, you can still access the original version of the system, but you will not benefit from the upgrades.
Further information
CCMS training CCMS website
CCMS Team email us your questions about the upgrade
CCMS training: contact us list of contacts for feedback