
Guidance: MGN 477 (M) amendment 5 MLC 2006 seafarer's employment agreements

Maritime Coastguard Agency

February 5
09:28 2025

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MGN 477 (M) amendment 5 replaces MGN 477 (M) amendment 4.

This notice should be read in conjunction with the merchant shipping (maritime labour convention) (minimum requirements for seafarers etc.) regulations 2014. (the MLC minimum requirements regulations) part 4, as amended by the merchant shipping (maritime labour convention and work in fishing convention) (amendment) regulations 2020.

This notice replaces MGN 650 (M) continuation of seafarer employment agreements in case of piracy or armed robbery and MGN 477 Amendment 4.

For vessels that are subject to the MLC minimum requirements regulations, MGN 477 amendment 5 replaces MGN 148 & MGN 149.

For vessels that are not subject to the MLC minimum requirements regulations, but still require crew agreements, MGN 474 retention of crew agreements where appropriate, has replaced MGN 148 & MGN 149.

This notice includes the process for notifying the MCA if a seafarer exceeds the maximum permitted period of time on board (11 months) and includes guidance for seafarers on collective bargaining arrangements and where to seek advice.

Amendment 5 updates section 5.5 to highlight that SEAs should be written and presented clearly to ensure that the seafarer can interpret the details and understand the terms and conditions. This amendment also combines MGN 650 (M) concerning seafarer employment agreements (SEAs) in case of piracy or armed robbery, with details outlined in section 11. References and contact information are also updated in this amendment.

Notice to:

  • shipowners
  • ship operators and ship managers
  • employers of seafarers
  • masters
  • officers and seafarers on sea-going ships ordinarily engaged in commercial operations

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Published 5 February 2025

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