MAA/RI/2024/03: Transitional arrangements for the MAA Contractor Flying Approved Organization Scheme form 2 PDF, 114 KB, 2 pages MAA/RI/2024/02: Transitional arrangements for the RA 1800 series concerning aviation-related environmental protection PDF, 109 KB, 2 pages MAA/RI/2024/01: Confirmation of Controlling Regulatory Article for Determination of Minimum Medical Employment Standards for Supernumerary Crew. Ref: MAA/RI/2024/01 PDF, 106 KB, 1 page MAA/RI/2023/03: Cyber Security for Airworthiness and Air Safety Ref: MAA/RI/2023/03 PDF, 112 KB, 2 pages MAA/RI/2023/01: Type Airworthiness Management Arrangements for Civilian Operated Foreign Military-Owned Air Systems Operating in the interest of the MOD Ref: MAA/RI/2023/01 PDF, 115 KB, 2 pages MAA/RI/2022/05: Transitional Arrangements of the RA 1200 Series Ref: MAA/RI/2022/05 PDF, 772 KB, 29 pages MAA/RI/2022/03: Flight release and limitations documents for Civilian Operated (In-Service) UK Military Registered Air Systems Ref: MAA/RI/2022/03 PDF, View the original news story
PDF, 114 KB, 2 pages
PDF, 109 KB, 2 pages
Ref: MAA/RI/2024/01
PDF, 106 KB, 1 page
Ref: MAA/RI/2023/03
PDF, 112 KB, 2 pages
Ref: MAA/RI/2023/01
PDF, 115 KB, 2 pages
Ref: MAA/RI/2022/05
PDF, 772 KB, 29 pages
Ref: MAA/RI/2022/03
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