Military Aviation Authority
If you require further information and/or a copy of the documents, please contact the MAA Regulatory Publications team at
If you require further information and/or a copy of the documents, please contact the MAA Regulatory Publications team at
MAA/RN/2023/06 - Environmental Protection Regulation for Defence Aviation Activities has been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2019/04, MAA/RN/2020/10, MAA/RN/2020/13, MAA/RN/2021/12, MAA/RN/2023/01, MAA/RN/2023/02, MAA/RN/2023/03 and MAA/RN/2024/02 have been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2023/04: Guidance for the Regulated Community on RA 2330 - Low Flying - Issue 5 has been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2022/04 - Operational guidance on rights of way for formations has been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2021/11 - MAA General Guidance for Cyber Security for Airworthiness has been withdrawn as RA 1202 and RA 5890 have now been published. See NAA 23/23.
MAA/RN/2022/05: Changes to the MAA Regulatory Publication Schedule has been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2022/03: MAA International Engagement and Recognition Divisions Programme of Work - Financial Year 22/23 and MAA/RN/2022/02: The MAAs Programme of Work (PoW) for Regulations Financial Year 22/23 have been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2022/01 Transition of Regulatory Article (RA) 1220 to the 5000 Series has been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2021/03 - Implementation plan for Regulatory Article (RA) 1207 (Air Safety Data Management and Exploitation) has been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2015/08(DTech) - Recognition of other military airworthiness regulators and MAA/RN/2020/12 - Use of Existing Organization Approvals as Evidence Towards Demonstrating Compliance for Contracting with Competent Organizations have been withdrawn and replaced with the new Manual of Military Airworthiness Recognition (MMAR).
MAA/RN/2021/05 - MAA Regulation Division Programme of Work Financial Year 21/22 has been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2021/08 - ??Implementation plan for Regulatory Article (RA) 1208: Flight Data Monitoring has been withdrawn.
?MAA/RN/2020/15 - ?Implementation Plan for Type Airworthiness Engineering 5000 Series and 1310 Regulatory Article Update, ??MAA/RN/2021/09? - Implementation plan for Regulatory Articles 1006 (Delegation of Engineering Authorizations), 1016 (Military Continuing Airworthiness Management) and 4945 (Personnel Requirements - MRP Part M Sub Part G) and MAA/RN/2021/10 - Advance notice of changes to Regulatory Article (RA) 4809 Acceptance of Components (MRP 145.A.42) have been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2016/11 - Use of existing certification evidence as credit towards demonstrating compliance with the military air systems certification process, MAA/RN/2019/02 - Comparison of Defence Standard 00-970 with Alternative Airworthiness Codes and MAA/RN/2021/04 - ?Implementation plan for Regulatory Articles 2120 (Pilots Instrument Rating Scheme) and 2380 (Performance Based Navigation Operations) have been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2016/07 - Standard for second party assurance organizations, MAA/RN/2019/09 - Implementation Plan for Regulatory Article 1205 - Air System Safety Cases Issue 7, MAA/RN/2020/08 - Aircraft Post Crash Management Interim Update, MAA/RN/2020/18 - Implementation Plan and Supporting Material for Test and Evaluation Regulatory Article 2370 Issue 5 and MAA/RN/2021/07 - Draft AEP-89 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Systems Airworthiness Requirements (USAR) for Light Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Aircraft Request for Industry and Academia Comments have all been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2015/13 (D TECH) Redevelopment of defence standard 00-970, MAA/RN/2017/01 Use of the obsolescent RA 1500 initial issue certification of UK military registered air systems, MAA/RN/2019/01 Changes to the MAA Regulatory Publication Schedule, MAA/RN/2019/14 Implementation Plan for Regulatory Article (RA) 1166 UK Civil-Registered Aircraft Utilized by the Ministry of Defence, MAA/RN/2020/04 Regulatory Compliance in Response to COVID-19 Restrictions, MAA/RN/2020/05 Remotely Piloted Air Systems Regulation update and transitional arrangements and MAA/RN/2020/14 Regulatory Compliance in Response to COVID-19 Restrictions - Update have all been withdrawn.
MAA/RN/2020/03 - The implications of leaving the European Union on compliance with the Military Aviation Authority Regulatory Publications has been withdrawn.