Natural England
Use the interactive map attached to this page to find out the status of each marine advice package.
Packages marked not yet available on the map have not been updated on the Designated Sites System but advice may still exist. These sites are not listed on this page.
You can search for all sites on the Designated Sites View site search. This will include links to any existing advice.
Advice packages are listed alphabetically.
Advice packages in the Eastern Channel
Albert Field Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0051) Formal
Axe Estuary Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0052) Formal
Beachy Head East Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0053) Formal
Beachy Head West Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0002) Formal
Bembridge Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0054) Formal
Chesil and the Fleet Special Area of Conservation (UK0017076) Formal
Chesil Beach and the Fleet Special Protection Area (UK9010091) Formal
Chesil Beach and Stennis Ledges Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0004) Formal
Chichester and Langstone Harbours Special Protection Area (UK9011011) Formal
Dover to Deal Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0032) Formal
Dover to Folkestone Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0033) Formal
Dungeness, Romney Marsh and Rye Bay Special Protection Area(UK9012091) Formal
Exe Estuary Special Protection Area (UK9010081) Formal
Folkestone Pomerania Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0006) Formal
Foreland Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0060) Formal
Goodwin Sands Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0061) Formal
Kingmere Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0009) Formal
Lyme Bay and Torbay Special Area of Conservation (UK0030372) Formal
Otter Estuary Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0065) Formal
Pagham Harbour Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0013) Formal
Pagham Harbour Special Protection Area (UK9012041) Formal
Poole Harbour Special Protection Area (UK9010111) Formal
Poole Rocks Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0014) Formal
Portsmouth Harbour Special Protection Area (UK9011051) Formal