
Guidance: NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP): programme overview

Nhs England

July 8
15:26 2024

Public information about FASP is available on the NHS website.

Healthcare professionals, including midwives, should offer screening for Downs syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Pataus syndrome and 11 physical conditions to all eligible pregnant women as part of their usual antenatal care.

Information about the screening tests should be provided to each pregnant woman so she is able to make a personal informed choice about the tests.

The FASP handbook brings together national guidance, information and processes that relate to the FASP screening pathways.

The NHS is committed to reducing inequalities and variation in participation to help make sure everyone has fair and equal access to screening services.

NHS England has also published information about patient confidentiality in population screening programmes.

Target population

Screening for Downs syndrome is offered to all eligible pregnant women, and takes place between 10?? and 20?? weeks of pregnancy.

Screening for Edwards syndrome and Pataus syndrome is offered to all eligible pregnant women and takes place between 10?? and 14? weeks of pregnancy.

Screening for 11 physical conditions as part of the 20-week scan is offered to all pregnant women and takes place between 18?? and 20?? weeks of pregnancy. Scans can be completed up to 23?? weeks of pregnancy.

Conditions screened for

Information is available for the conditions screened for in the 20-week scan:

Care pathways are available for Downs syndrome, Edwards syndrome and Pataus syndrome screening, as well as for the 20-week scan.

Screening test

The screening tests for you and your baby leaflet sets out the test process and purpose.

The combined test is offered in the first trimester to assess the chance of the baby having Downs syndrome, Edwards syndrome or Pataus syndrome, and is the test of choice.

The quadruple test is offered in the second trimester to assess the chance of the baby having Downs syndrome.

The 20-week screening scan is offered to screen for Edwards syndrome and Pataus syndrome, and 11 physical conditions.

Private screening

The private screening: important information leaflet provides information for people who ask about private screening options.

Non-invasive prenatal screening test (NIPT)

NIPT has been added to the existing NHS screening pathway for Downs syndrome, Edwards syndrome and Pataus syndrome as part of an evaluative rollout.

NIPT is now offered following a higher chance result (between 1 in 2 and 1 in 150) from either the combined or quadruple test in both singleton and twin pregnancies.

For more information, refer to the operational guidance on NIPT.

Find out more about NIPT on the PHE Screening blog.

Diagnostic tests

A diagnostic test is offered where a woman has received a higher chance screening test result for Downs syndrome and/or Edwards syndrome and Pataus syndrome, and if there are unexpected findings at the time of the ultrasound scan. This could be:

  • chorionic villus sampling
  • amniocentesis

CVS and amniocentesis: information for parents explains more about these tests .

Evidence base

FASP is one of 11 NHS national population screening programmes available in England.

The UK NSC makes recommendations to ministers in the 4 UK countries on all aspects of population screening. It ensures that screening provides more benefit than harm, at a reasonable cost to the NHS.

Recommendations are based on internationally recognised criteria and a rigorous evidence review process.

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Data and intelligence

NHS England publishes reports setting out annual

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