
Secretary of State commends PEACE PLUS programme progress

Northern Ireland Office

September 12
10:28 2023

PEACE PLUS is a new programme focused on supporting social, economic and regional stability, in particular by promoting cohesion between communities. A financing agreement for the programme was agreed between the UK Government, Irish Government and European Commission.

The biggest PEACE programme to date, PEACE PLUS has a total budget of almost 1 billion. The UK Government is providing more than 730 million to the programme, which includes match funding contribution from the Northern Ireland Executive.

This will be the fifth PEACE programme implemented by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). Relevant community organisations are encouraged to apply to PEACE PLUS funding calls which are now open. More information on how to apply is available here on SEUPBs website.

Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Rt Hon Chris Heaton-Harris MP, addressed the PEACE PLUS launch event. A copy of his speech is here.

The Secretary of State for NI, Chris Heaton-Harris MP, in conversation with a group of attendees at the PEACE PLUS launch.

Later in the afternoon, the Secretary of State and Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, Maro ef?ovi? visited Youth Action NI, who are working in partnership with other organisations to deliver the PEACE IV funded OUR Generation project.

The Secretary of State for NI, Chris Heaton-Harris MP, and Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, Maro ef?ovi? meet with young people and staff at Youth Action NI.

The Secretary of State for NI, Chris Heaton-Harris MP, and Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, Maro ef?ovi? meet with young people and staff at Youth Action NI.

The Secretary of State for NI, Chris Heaton-Harris MP, and Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, Maro ef?ovi? meet with young people and staff at Youth Action

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