Find out the methods available for paying your deputyship fees.
Office Of The Public Guardian
- Research: Bird flu (avian influenza): cases in wild birds
- Greater protection for domestic abuse victims in Cleveland
- Promoting competition and protecting consumers in the digital age: a roadmap for growth
- Synopsys / Ansys merger inquiry
- Corporate report: Infected Blood Compensation Authority (IBCA) framework document
- What are Community Diagnostic Centres?
- Trading Standards: enforcement of hallmarking law
- Unclaimed estates list
- Join the list of authorised distance plant sellers
- Foot and mouth disease: how to spot and report it
Guidance on who Court of Protection visitors are and when their reports can be released.
Guidance on who Court of Protection visitors are and when their reports can be released.
Alison Sansome appointed as non-executive Board Chair for the Office of the Public Guardian.
Giving people permission to make decisions about your money and property - how to use, register or cancel an enduring power of attorney
Acting as an attorney - duties, including finding an enduring power of attorney, registering an EPA, starting to act, making gifts and stopping being an attorney
Find contact details of panel deputies available to support people who lack mental capacity.
Find contact details of panel deputies available to support people who lack mental capacity.
How to make a lasting power of attorney (LPA): starting an application online, choosing an attorney, certifying a copy, changing an LPA.
How to become and act as a Court of Protection deputy - eligibility, responsibilities, how to apply, fees, supervision and when your deputyship ends.
Veronika Neyer appointed as non-executive director for the Office of the Public Guardian.
Find contact details of panel deputies available to support people who lack mental capacity.
Acting as an attorney - duties, including registering a lasting power, starting to act, gifting, handling disputes and replacement attorney responsibilities.
New general and special visitors supporting work delivered by the Office of the Public Guardian
Use the forms on this page to find out if someone has an attorney, deputy or guardian acting for them.
Legal guidance for deputies and attorneys on the rules about giving gifts on behalf of the person they act for.
Find contact details of panel deputies available to support people who lack mental capacity.
Find contact details of panel deputies available to support people who lack mental capacity.
What the Office of the Public Guardian expects from companies that provide surety bonds to court-appointed deputies.
Get a digital screen image to support the Office of the Public Guardian's Your Voice, Your Decision campaign.
Get social media content, images, and newsletter information to support the Office of the Public Guardian's Your Voice, Your Decision campaign.
Get a digital screen image to support the Office of the Public Guardian's Your Voice, Your Decision campaign.
Get a leaflet to support the Office of the Public Guardian's Your Voice, Your Decision campaign.
Get a leaflet to support the Office of the Public Guardian's Your Voice, Your Decision campaign.
This page provides guidance on how OPG is responding to the coronavirus pandemic. It will be updated when new information is available.
Find out how to get help if you have concerns that someone is being abused or neglected under a lasting power of attorney, enduring power of attorney or deputy court order.
How the Mental Capacity Act 2005 affects you if ever you lose mental capacity.
Find contact details of panel deputies available to support people who lack mental capacity.
What to do first if you're acting for someone under a lasting power of attorney for health and care decisions.
What to do first if you're acting for someone under a lasting power of attorney for financial decisions.
Report and accounts showing who paid for the Office of the Public Guardian and how those funds were spent.
How the Mental Capacity Act 2005 applies to health and social care staff.
Forms for court-appointed deputies to report actions taken on behalf of their clients in the past year.
The View an LPA service can be used by companies and organisations to check an LPA is valid and who the attorneys are, helping keep their customers safe.
You can let companies see an online version of the LPA, instead of the registered paper version. Find out how to do this.
Download the forms and guidance to make and register a lasting power of attorney (LPA).
Greig Early appointed as non-executive director for the Office of the Public Guardian
The Office of the Public Guardian's approach to family care payments, also known as gratuitous care payments.
This guidance has been written to help the donor avoid making errors when they fill out a lasting power of attorney (LPA) form.
Find contact details of panel deputies available to support people who lack mental capacity.
Report and accounts showing who paid for the Office of the Public Guardian and how those funds were spent.
This guidance has been written to help the donor avoid making errors when they fill out a lasting power of attorney (LPA) form.
Find contact details of panel deputies available to support people who lack mental capacity.
Find out how OPG contacts customers and what to do if you are worried a call, email or message is not genuine.
Find out how OPG contacts customers and what to do if you are worried a call, email or message is not genuine.
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