
OPG appoints Veronika Neyer as new non-executive director

Office Of The Public Guardian

November 27
09:30 2024

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Veronika Neyer has been appointed as a non-executive director for the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG).

Non-executive directors are senior figures from outside government, appointed to provide challenge to departments and executive agencies. Their role is to:

  • give advice to ministers and officials on the operational and delivery implications of policy proposals
  • provide independent support, guidance and challenge on the progress and implementation of the organisations strategic direction
  • advise on performance and monitor implementation of business plans

As part of her role Veronika will be a member of OPGs Board and Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee.

Veronika brings over 20 years of senior leadership experience having led services at The Childrens Society and Barnardos. She has also been responsible for safeguarding, policy, health and safety, and risk management at the Sea Cadets.

Amy Holmes, Public Guardian and Chief Executive at OPG, said: Veronika is a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion and has dedicated her career to improving outcomes for children, young people and their families.

We are delighted to have Veronika join our board where her commitment to creating meaningful impact for vulnerable communitie

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