
Press release: PM call with President-elect Trump: 18 December 2024

Prime Ministers Office 10 Downing Street

December 18
18:31 2024

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The Prime Minister spoke to President-elect Donald Trump this afternoon from Downing Street.

The Prime Minister began by congratulating President-elect Trump on his recent team appointments and President-elect Trump warmly recounted his meeting with His Royal Highness the Prince of Walesin Paris earlier this month.

Both agreed on their joint ambition to strengthen the close and historic relationship between the UK and the US. They looked forward to working together on shared priorities, including internationalsecurity and delivering economic growth and prosperity.

Turning to global conflicts, the Prime Minister reiterated the need for allies to stand together with Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression and to ensure Ukraine is in the strongest possible position.

On the Middle East, the Prime Minister underscored the need to work together to ensure peace and security in the region.

They agreed to keep in touch and looked forward to seeing one another at

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