
Speech: Prime Minister's remarks at the G7 press conference

Prime Ministers Office 10 Downing Street

June 14
19:24 2024

Let me start by thanking Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the Italian people for welcoming us to Puglia.

Ive come to this Summit to stand with our allies and friends

as we protect the United Kingdoms security, our prosperity, and our values.

And the stakes couldhardly be higher.

The world today is more dangerous than it has been for decades.

War rages in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Conflict, climate change, and hunger has displaced more than 100 million people globally.

And new technologies like AI create new opportunities and significant new risks.

Thats why the UK has made a hard and fast pledge to increase defence spending to 2.5% of GDP by 2030.

Were taking unprecedented action to stop the boats and reduce migration.

And Im pleased that the G7 has today committed to closer coordination on AI safety

following the UKs lead at Bletchley Park.

Because the problems we face are global in nature so we need global solutions.

Andthats what Ive been arguing for at this G7 Summit.

First, on migration.

Illegal migration is now a global emergency.

More people are moving across borders today than at any other time in history.

We cannot stand by and watch this human tragedy unfold.

The G7 has focused on dealing with the root causes of migration

including a new package of UK development assistance for Africa

and Italys new Apulia Food Systems initiative to tackle food insecurity.

Were also doing more tocombatthe people traffickers

because we all agree that it is for sovereign nations to control theirborders, and notcriminal gangs.

And the G7 has together launched a new coalition to counter people smuggling.

AndIm particularly pleased the G7 has agreed to work together

to make sure the governance of migration is effective and sustainable.

The second area of G7 action is on China.

Chinas assertiveness has only intensified since our last Summit in Hiroshima.

Their actions threaten to undermine the free and open Indo-Pacific.

Theyve conducted cyber targeting of democratically elected British MPs.

And China is increasingly working together with other authoritarian states like Iran, North Korea, and Russia.

Around 80% of Russias battlefield components come from Chinese companies.

Thats why the UK has issued sanctions against Chinese entities interfering with our democracy.

Its why weve protected our technologies and supply chains through the National Security Investment Act.

And its why well always act in concert with allies to deter Chinas most aggressive actions, and protect our economic security.

But we need to keep the pressure on.

The UK and others have already sanctioned Chinese entities for facilitating Russias defence industry.

The G7 has now agreed with that principle.

So the message is clear:

If you prop up Russias war economy, prolonging this illegal war, you will pay a price.

And that leads to my third point: the G7s complete and total unity with Ukraine.

Ukraines security is our security.

We are in this for the long term. Putin will not outlast us.

The UK has committed 3bn of military aid every year to the end of the decade.

Were dialling up the economic pressure on Russia with 50 new sanctions this week alone.

And weve just announced over 240m for reconstruction.

But as Ive long argued, Russia itself must pay for the destruction it caused.

And now, Russiawillpay.

Because at this Summit, the G7 has reached a historic breakthrough.

After months of intensive discussions, weve agreed a new loan for Ukraine worth $50bn.

And it will be repaid not by our taxpayers, but by the extraordinary revenues

that come from frozen Russian assets, in Europe and around the world.

This is justand it is right.

But true justice will only come when Russia leaves Ukraine.

Tomorrow I will be travelling to the Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland.

Our goal is peace.

But let us not confuse peace with surrender.

Putins Russia is the aggressor.

They brought war to a peaceful continent.

Wreaked death and devastation on the people of Ukraine.

Caused famine and hardship around the world.

So peace must be based on international law and the UN charter. And it must be on Ukraines terms.

That is what justice looks like.

That is what we must work towards.

That is how we secure a future for Ukraine that is peaceful, democratic, and free.

And we, the G7, will stand united with Ukraine until that day comes.

Thank you.

Published 14 June 2024

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