
Speech: Prime Minister's remarks in Rome: 16 September 2024

Prime Ministers Office 10 Downing Street

September 16
14:58 2024

Thank you, Giorgia.

This is my first visit to Italy as Prime Minister

So its reallygreat to be here today particularly in this fantastic setting

The perfect venue to follow Blenheim Palace.

And actually this is the first of a series of landmark meetings in Italy this week

We have the G7 culture ministers meeting in Napoli

And Arsenal meeting Atalanta in the Champions League!

But seriously, there are so many thingsthat bring us together.

And Im here today for a very simple reason

Because I recogniseItalys significance

As a leader in Europe and on the world stage

As a G7 economy

And NATO ally.

So as we open what I think will be a new era in Britains relations with the EU

Our close friendship and partnership with Italy is more important than ever.

And thats why its so important for me to come so early on as Prime Minister, its a real statement of intent.

I think we are both ambitious for what we can do together.

And that spirit has come through in all our long conversations so far. Not only today but also in previous occasions when we had a chance to discuss a number of issues.

A resolve to work together

For the good of the British and Italian people

For the security, stability and growth that we all want to see

And for the fundamental values we share



The rule of law.

So we used our time today to discuss the global challenges before us

And our determination to meet them together.

Giorgia, I want to thank you for your strong leadership particularly on Ukraine.

As Russia continues to escalate its illegal war

We will continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder

To support Ukraine for as long as it takes.

We will work together to deliver the $50 billion in loans for Ukraine agreed under your G7 Presidency

And I look forward to supporting the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Italy next year.

We also agreed to deepen our security cooperation, already very important.

Our forces will continue to exercise together through NATO

The Italian Navy will join UK carrier operations next year

And with vital projects like GCAP

We are determined to work together to boost our defence industrial capacity.

On the Middle East, we are united in our support for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

We want to seethe release of all hostages

Desperately needed humanitarian aid flowing into Gaza

And a calming of tensions on the West Bank.

And as we discussed, none of this is easy

But it is urgent and vital

So we will keep working to resolve this crisis

And end the suffering on all sides.

We also discussed the challenge of irregular migration.

This is a problem across Europe, for both of our countries in particular but also across Europe.

As Director of Public Prosecutions in Britain some years ago,

I saw the important work that can be done, across borders

On issues like counter terrorism.

Ive never accepted as we discussed,

That we cant do the same with the smuggling gangs

And now Italy has shown that we can.

You have made remarkable progress

Working with countries along migration routes, as equals

To address the drivers of migration at source and tackle the gangs.

As a result, irregular arrivals to Italy by sea are down by 60% since 2023.

So I am pleased that we are deepening our cooperation here

Led, on the UK side, by our new Border Security Commander who has been with me today in Italy.

To share intelligence, share tactics

Shut down the smuggling routes

And smash the gangs.

Finally, as leading European economies

We also discussed the huge opportunities we can realise together.

Italy is already a top ten trading partner for the UK

And our sixth largest source of Foreign Direct Investment.

That all supports economic growth

Which is the number one mission of this government.

And there is real potential to do more.

It was a excellent to have a meeting withItalian businesses this morning who are already working in the UK

And Im pleased to announce that we have secured two new investments

Worth over 450 million into our economy

Leonardo investing over 400 million into R&D and helicopter manufacturing in Yeovil

And Marcegaglia investing 50 million into green steel production in Sheffield

Supporting hundreds of jobs across the country.

Those are the two investment decisions I want to announce today.

And we want to go further

In key sectors like defence, green tech, science and innovation

To drive growth for both sides, create jobs and improve peoples lives.

Because, underneath all of this

Its important to say that there is huge affection between our two nations

And between our people

Great respect for each others culture

Shared passions and shared values.

So today we are building on that

Optimistic about what we can achieve together

As strong partners, allies, and friends.

Thank you.

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Published 16 September 2024

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