Public Health England
April 4
The PHE annual conference brings together over 1400 participants from a wide range of organisations, to learn, and share knowledge and experience to help improve public health.
This years conference focuses on 3 key themes across the programme:
- promoting world-class science and evidence
- making the economic case for prevention
- working towards a healthier, fairer society
Key note speakers at this years conference will include:
- Nicola Blackwood MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health and Innovation
- Sir David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk at Cambridge University
- Professor Dame Margaret Whitehead, WH Duncan Professor of Public Health, University of Liverpool
- Dr Jennifer Dixon, Chief Executive at The Health Foundation
Abstract submissions are invited in work that clearly link to one or more of the conference themes, introducing new ideas, research findings and advances in public health practice and outcomes.