
PHE annual conference 2015: bookings open

Public Health England

May 19
15:58 2015

Public Health England Annual Conference 2015 will bring together over 1400 participants from a wide range of organisations, to learn, meet each other and share knowledge and experience.

This years theme is Evidence into Action, and the conference will promote and showcase applied science and research, translation and implementation for impact. The content will be relevant to representatives from across the health and social care system interested in applied prevention research, programmes and policy.

The 6 track programme covers a wide range of topics from across the breadth of public health. Professor Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer, will be giving a keynote address.

Six parallel tracks of sessions run on both days and concurrent sessions enable participants to create their own schedule and make the most of their time at the conference:

  • public health priorities
  • infections
  • healthy places and communities, healthcare
  • global health, health improvement, environment
  • horizon 2030
  • local leadership, organisational development

For more details including information on how to book, please visit the conference website.

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