
Guidance: Species-rich grassland: indicator species

Rural Payments Agency

August 15
11:01 2024

Use this table to confirm the plant species that are typical of the grassland type on your land parcel. This can support you in carrying out action GRH6: Manage priority habitat species-rich grassland.

Table 1: Species-rich grassland: indicator species

Species name Grassland type
Betony Lowland calcareous
Beautiful St Johns-wort Lowland calcareous
Birds-foot-trefoil Lowland calcareous
Biting stonecrop Lowland calcareous
Bloody cranes-bill Lowland calcareous
Carline thistle Lowland calcareous
Clustered bellflower Lowland calcareous
Common agrimony Lowland calcareous
Common rock-rose Lowland calcareous
Cowslip Lowland calcareous
Dropworts Lowland calcareous
Devils-bit scabious Lowland calcareous
Eyebright Lowland calcareous
Fairy flax Lowland calcareous
Field scabious Lowland calcareous
Gentians Lowland calcareous
Greater knapweed Lowland calcareous
Hairy violet Lowland calcareous
Harebell Lowland calcareous
Hawkweed oxtongue Lowland calcareous
Hoary plantain Lowland calcareous
Hoary rock-rose Lowland calcareous
Horseshoe vetch Lowland calcareous
Kidney vetch Lowland calcareous
Ladys bedstraw Lowland calcareous
Marjoram Lowland calcareous
Milkworts Lowland calcareous
Mouse-ear hawkweed Lowland calcareous
Orchids Lowland calcareous
Ox-eye daisy Lowland calcareous
Purple milk-vetch Lowland calcareous
Restharrow Lowland calcareous
Rough or lesser hawkbit Lowland calcareous
Sainfoin Lowland calcareous
Salad burnet Lowland calcareous
Saw-wort Lowland calcareous
Small blue-green sedges Lowland calcareous
Small scabious Lowland calcareous
Squinancywort Lowland calcareous
Stemless thistle Lowland calcareous
Thyme-leaved sandwort Lowland calcareous
Wild basil Lowland calcareous
Wild thyme Lowland calcareous
Yellow-wort Lowland calcareous
Bell heather Lowland dry acid
Betony Lowland dry acid
Bilberry Lowland dry acid
Birds-foot Lowland dry acid
Birds-foot-trefoil Lowland dry acid
Biting stonecrop Lowland dry acid
Bitter-vetch Lowland dry acid
Blue fleabane Lowland dry acid
Bucks-horn plantain Lowland dry acid
Common centaury Lowland dry acid
Common rock-rose Lowland dry acid
Common storks-bill Lowland dry acid
Devils-bit scabious Lowland dry acid
Harebell Lowland dry acid
Heath bedstraw Lowland dry acid
Heath speedwell Lowland dry acid
Heather Lowland dry acid
Ladys bedstraw Lowland dry acid
Lichens Lowland dry acid
Lousewort Lowland dry acid
Maiden pink Lowland dry acid
Milkworts Lowland dry acid
Mouse-ear hawkweed Lowland dry acid
Parsley pierts Lowland dry acid
Pignut Lowland dry acid
Purple milk-vetch Lowland dry acid
Rough or lesser hawkbit Lowland dry acid
Saw-wort Lowland dry acid
Sheeps-bit Lowland dry acid
Sheeps sorrel Lowland dry acid
Shepherds-cress Lowland dry acid
Thymes Lowland dry acid
Tormentil Lowland dry acid
Violets Lowland dry acid
Wild strawberry Lowland dry acid
Wood anemone Lowland dry acid
Wood sage Lowland dry acid
Agrimony Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Autumn hawkbit (specific to floodplain meadows) Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Betony Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Birds-foot-trefoil Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Bitter-vetch Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Black knapweed Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Bugle Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Burnet saxifrage Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Common bistort (specific to floodplain meadows) Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Common meadow-rue (specific to floodplain meadows) Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Corky-fruited water-dropwort Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Cowslip Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Devils-bit scabious (specific to floodplain meadows) Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Dropwort Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Dyers greenweed Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Eyebright Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Field scabious Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Globeflower (specific to floodplain meadows) Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Goats-beard Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Great burnet (specific to floodplain meadows) Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Greater birds-foot-trefoil Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Jointed rushes Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)
Ladys bedstraw Lowland meadows (including floodplain meadows)

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