Single Source Regulations Office
Our immediate priority is to support industry and the Ministry of Defence (MOD) as the reforms to the regulatory framework set out in the Procurement Bill are implemented. We will deliver a coordinated programme of improvements to our pricing and reporting guidance and to the Defence Contract Analysis and Reporting System (DefCARS), aligning our work with MODs planned date for implementation in spring 2024.
Our other priorities target outcomes that will see:
data insights being derived that drive improvements in procurement and contract management;
a better understanding and the consistent application of the regime contributing to speed and simplicity improvements in procurement; and
speedier issue resolution through pre-referral engagement.
The Corporate Plan highlights our continued commitment to build and maintain a range of skills including commercial procurement, with a renewed focus on accessing specialist and experienced resource.
Engagement is fundamental to the SSROs evidence-based approach to its work, improving our understanding of issues and user needs as well as achieving our vision by working closely with our stakeholders. You will see us on the ground more, working closely with our stakeholders; retaining our independence but using our skills to support them in using the tools and guidance we have developed.
We are grateful for the engagement with and feedback from MOD and industry stakeholders as the Corporate Plan was developed.